About OpenSALT™

OpenSALT™ is a tool for managing (creating, editing, importing, mirroring, exporting and hosting) competency frameworks, reusable skill descriptors, correlations and alignment and is the first certified IMS Global Competency and Academic Standards Exchange® (CASE®) provider and consumer.

CASE® and OpenSALT™ are used by educational organizations and publishers to create linked data definitions for academic standards and competences used to tag learning resource, define assessment blueprints and reports, and enable student achievements/credentials and learning pathways. It is a powerful and interoperable tool that supports industry data standards.

OpenSALT™ was created by Public Consulting Group to address client requirements for managing standards, competencies and alignment for curriculum and assessment development project.

Open Source

PCG created OpenSALT™ as a Open Source Software platform to make it free to use and to allow for collaboration in the tools development. The source code for OpenSALT is available from GitHub at https://github.com/opensalt. For more information, see the project page at opensalt.org; for the master instance of OpenSALT see OpenSALT.net.


Multiple companies have contributed to the development of OpenSALT™ including:


Public Consulting Group Provides support, maintenance, hosting and customization services for OpenSALT. Please contact PCG OpenSALT Support Address.



OpenSALT™ is a trademark of Public Consulting Group.

Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange® (CASE®) is a registered trademark of the IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (www.imsglobal.org).

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